Friday, 4 December 2009


On Sunday 29th November we had a triple celebration - Advent Sunday, our patronal Festival St Andrew's day and last and by all means least the 10th anniversary of the Brocklehursts arriving in Ham. Andrew and Advent are both Golden in their own way. The day was made extra golden for me because the the Church Wardens presented Jan and I with 150 daffodil bulbs. As you all know I HATE gardening and have given the garden over to be a field with chickens and a ferguson T20 to cut the grass with. so the daffodil bulbs are currently on ebay and will, I hope, fetch a tidy sum. Seriously, This really is very kind and will bring colour to the edges of the field and joy to our hearts for years to come. We love Saint Andrews ansd are looking forward, hopefully, to the next 10 years.

earlier this year we celebrated our 10th summer here and Simon's 20th year of ordination wioth a hog roast, morris dancers, beer tent, St Andrews singers and all. to see the photos click on the title A GOLDEN DAY

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